Big Fish
with Dafna Staretz
Monday, April 22, 2019 at 20:00
The sea of possibilities is big and full of fish, or so they say.
When one catches a fish in the web, it’s not exactly the same as catching it in one’s hands.
Now more than ever, it seems like the possibilities are infinite, we can swipe over the whole world left or right with our fingers, like megalomaniac Mengeles. The market is big and its all for free, but whatever you might catch, there is always a shadow of a bigger fish lurking around the corner. One rarely gets to see the fish in real life, the action of swipe-fishing is satisfactory by itself, it is not about the food anymore, or any basic needs, it is a never-ending fishing game, and it’s all about the catch.
What does Love look like in our digital age? a Love that has been filtered and transformed through technology, a Love that has become a commodity based on self-marketing and algorithms, A love that can happen over huge distances, that has managed to overcome the boundaries of space and time, a love that happens mostly (and sometimes only) through screens? But we didn’t really mean to say too much here. This time, the paintings will be speaking on their own. They would love to share their love with you. You are all welcome to come and listen.