
  • Anniken Josok Hessen

    Sculpture with video projection by Anniken Jøsok Hessen

    Holds a BFA from Bergen Academy of Art, and a MFA from the Faculty for Art, Music and Design at the University of Bergen (2018). During her studies she has went abroad twice, first to Iceland Academy of the Arts and last to Dunedin School of Art in New Zealand. Her goal is and has been to find a method that works for her. It looks like the geographical location 'The island' is a part of this method. Both in the research process and the visual outcome. Mostly interested in making installations with two or more of these elements: Light, moving image, textile, sound.
    Always planning which island will be her next destination.

    More from Anniken Josok Hessen: website, instagram
  • Femme Ter Haar

    Femme ter Haar (1996) is a Dutch illustrator and artist, and a member of .ZIP since May 2023. At the core of her practice is a big love for (sketch)books and storytelling, though she works on a wide range of projects that include comics, editorial illustrations and animations. Her atmospheric and playful drawings capture both big feelings and small moments, using a mix of mostly analogue materials.

    More from Femme Ter Haar: website
  • Randiane Aalberg Sandboe

    Randiane Aalberg Sandboe (1994) is a lighting designer and visual artist based in Bergen. She has been at .Zip Collective since 2019. Sandboe has an interest for both stage lighting, architectural lighting and light art which influences her designs. She holds a BFA in Interior Architecture from the University of Bergen (2019), and a MFA in Lighting Design from Hochschule Wismar, Germany. The last years she has been working full time as lighting designer for both theatre, dance and music, and among others been collaborating with Lene Therese Teigen (NO), Miriam Prestøy (NO), Ludvig Uhlbors (SV),  and Andrea Spreafico (IT).

    As stage designer her goal is to make designs which strengthen’s the message of a performance and makes the audience really believe in what they see. As visual artist her goal is the same, but without actors. She makes installations where she plays with our perception of materials, color and light, and experiments with the elements as if they had their own separately voice in a composition.

    More from Randiane Aalberg Sandboe: website, instagram, send an email
  • Silje Sandodden Kise

    Silje Sandodden Kise (1980) is a norwegian freelance costume designer, scenographer and theatre maker, and has been a member of .zip since June 2022. She works in a variety of genres: theatre, dance, music based and cross disciplinary projects, in the institutional theatres and in the independent performance arts field. Silje works with sustainability as an artistic method, and loves experimenting with unconventional materials. Her style could be called poetic.

    More from Silje Sandodden Kise: website
  • Tonje Hammer Fonneland

    Tonje Hammer is a member of .Zip since April 2023. She has 2 years education from Kunstskolen in Bergen, and wishes to establish herself as an artist. She works with many different materials and is fascinated with the objects we surround ourselves with, and the nostalgia our things inevitably become carriers of. She had an exhibition in the gallery space at .Zip during the event .Zip Open November 2023.

  • Yohei Hamada

    Yohei Hamada is a Bergen-Bodø based Japanese dancer and dance maker, joined .ZIP collective in 2021. By referring to the knowledge from mathematics, architecture, physics, anthropology, linguistics, martial arts and dance methods as well as the wisdom of daily life, he seeks the perspective of the body, the society and the world as dynamic-equilibrium systems. Recently, he created Push Pull Matters (2023) by focusing on the physicality embodied by using hand-working tools both from Norway and Japan in collaboration with Norges Fiskerimuseum, co-produced by BIT Teatergarasjen and Carte Blanche. Hamada is an Uredd artist 2022-24 (the 3rd generation) and a Dance Base Yokohama residence artist in 2023.

    More from Yohei Hamada: website

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